Tired? Da!
Making new friends? Da!
Trying new foods? Da!
Tired? Da!
Having fun with crafts at VBS? Da!
Confused on day and time? Da AND Da!
Tired? Da!
Relying on God to work out everything for His Glory and in His time – again, Da!
To everyone who has prayed for me, thank you. I have felt it in two things I know were answered prayers: 1- in Louisville ready to leave we could have been charged $500 for our supply totes…the computers didn’t print out tickets to charge – how much was it? Da – $500!
2 – In Munich, 30 seconds before boarding plane to Budapest I was “all but sick” and somehow did not “lose it”. If you know me this is a miracle. We had to go down 2 flights of stairs to the bus to be driven to our plane and our group got completely separated. We ended up on 2 different buses and for a minute I didn’t know if I would see Alison, Beth, and Pastor Keith again or maybe one of our groups would end up in Yugoslavia? But I had to trust that God was in control and it reminded me that no matter
what – if we are a Christian, we will never be seperated from God!
Good night or Good morning??
(originally to be posted Thursday evening but there were network problems with the blog)