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Below are some of the messages that I had delivered in the past. During my time as a bi-vocational pastor, due to the limited hours available each week for sermon preparation, many of the sermons had been adopted or adapted from other sources and then personalized to the church. A special thanks goes out to men like Brother Paul Dekker and many others who have inspired, and also contributed their messages, for men such as myself, so we may deliver the best that God’s Word has to offer to the people of God’s Kingdom while trying to serve in an often limited capacity.

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May God bless you as much in the hearing of His Word as it did me in preparing and preaching of it.

My current messages can be found at

Active filter: Date: 2012 (x), July (x)
Book: Nehemiah (2), Psalm (2), John (5).
Service: Sunday Morning (5), Sunday Evening (4).

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Sermons (9)

Finding God in Your Devestation
Psalm 63:1-11 (Part of the Soul Satisfaction series).
Preached by Rich Barnett on July 29, 2012 (Sunday Evening).
Catch Me If You Can
John 7:25-36 (Part of the Jesus Is the Christ series).
Preached by Rich Barnett on July 29, 2012 (Sunday Morning).
How to Be Truly Satisfied
Psalm 23:1 (Part of the Soul Satisfaction series).
Preached by Rich Barnett on July 22, 2012 (Sunday Evening).
It's About Time
John 7:1-24 (Part of the Jesus Is the Christ series).
Preached by Rich Barnett on July 22, 2012 (Sunday Morning).
Keeping the Standard
Nehemiah 13:1-31 (Part of the Be Determined series).
Preached by Rich Barnett on July 15, 2012 (Sunday Evening).
Food With and Attitude
John 6:41-59 (Part of the Jesus Is the Christ series).
Preached by Rich Barnett on July 15, 2012 (Sunday Morning).
Nehemiah 11:1-12:47 (Part of the Be Determined series).
Preached by Rich Barnett on July 8, 2012 (Sunday Evening).
Serious Satisfaction
John 6:22-40 (Part of the Jesus Is the Christ series).
Preached by Rich Barnett on July 8, 2012 (Sunday Morning).
Where Is Jesus in the Storm
John 6:15-21 (Part of the Jesus Is the Christ series).
Preached by Rich Barnett on July 1, 2012 (Sunday Morning).
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